When a tenant signs an agreement to pay you for renting your property, you rightly assume that they will adhere to the terms of your agreement. However, not everyone does, and when your tenant decides they can’t (or won’t) keep to their side of the agreement, you’ll need someone to help enforce your rights as a landlord. The experienced attorneys at KAPLAN, DITRAPANI, FARIA & MANIN LLP, will represent fight for you and work to get you what you’re legally entitled to.
We represent both commercial and residential landlords in their disputes with their tenants, guiding them through the morass of issues that arise in landlord-tenant court. Whether you’re arguing over upkeep and repair issues, or non-payment of rent, or you’re looking to terminate your lease, you’ll need attorneys with the knowledge and experience to protect your rights and guide you through the entire legal process.
We offer legal assistance with a variety of issues related to landlord-tenant disputes across the Greater New York Area, including